
Hearing aid customization means creating a one-of-a-kind hearing aid that fits your exact ear anatomy for optimal comfort and performance. With these hearing aids, you'll enjoy amazing comfort and full compatibility with our SurfLink® products.


  • An invisible and custom fit

    Our Invisible-In-The-Canal (IIC) custom hearing aids fit deep inside your ear canal personally customized to you for all-day comfort and they won’t get tangled or pulled off when wearing or removing face masks.
  • To easily adapt to new sounds

    Quick transitions to hearing aids by gradually adjusting settings to allow your brain to get used to new sounds.
  • Better wireless streaming

    Technology that provides consistent wireless performance while streaming TV, music and other media with SurfLink Mini Mobile and other SurfLink accessories.
  • A comfortable, personalized listening experience

    Sound comfort technology designed to provide distortion-free listening comfort for loud sounds while ensuring ultimate clarity for soft sounds.
  • No buzzing or whistling

    Our best-in-class feedback cancellation system providing feedback-free, comfortable listening all day long.
  • Music the way it was meant to be heard

    A design that allows you to experience music in a whole new way. Now you can hear every note the way the artist intended – with pure, refined sound quality.
  • Customizable tinnitus relief

    Advanced Multiflex Tinnitus Technology integrated into the hearing aid to bring relief to those who suffer from ringing in the ears.